Why Massage Your Baby?
Train to be an Infant Massage Educator
Massaging their child helps families connect more closely with their baby and understand their cues and communication, while at the same time giving parents an interactive practice that improves their baby’s sleep patterns, helps alleviate postnatal depression, enhances interaction, reduces stress, and increases resiliency for both parent and baby.
As a parent educator, Infant Massage USA’s program can enhance and support the curriculum that you already use. It is a tool to encourage parents to set aside daily time with their little one, and will give you new ways to talk about cues, bonding, language development, and other vital parenting topics.
This four-day course gives parent educators an immersion course in baby language, a deeper understanding of parent-infant bonding, certification to teach families how to massage their baby in home visits or groups and knowledge about adjusting the teaching and massage for families with children with special needs, NAS, or babies born early.
The Infant Massage USA program is perfect for 0-3 programs, and can be used up to age 7 when children or families have special needs. Our program is used in NICUs and hospitals around the country.
Here is what people say about Jody Wright’s trainings:
“I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful training and mentorship you provided my entire group . . . it was a truly life-changing experience for many of us and a big part of that is due to your wisdom and patience. You have been an inspiration to me . . . .”
“The training was excellent! . . . It was an incredibly profound experience for me and far exceeded my expectations. . . . As the four days progressed I became aware of the inner peacefulness and calming that I was experiencing due to the atmosphere in the training course created by Jody Wright. . . . A wonderful but truly unexpected experience! . . . It reaffirmed my utmost joy in working with parents and infants.”
“Infant Massage is the most satisfying work I have ever done. One of the Early Hard Start staff people I consult with told me: ‘It is the most perfect thing to accomplish all our goals. It does everything we are hoping for.’ Infant massage gets people to focus on what’s going on with their baby. All the talk, all the hours we spend with families, yet infant massage just does it so quickly.”
“The ‘real life’ baby and parent classes were WONDERFUL and really helped to put what we learned into practice. . . . I was impressed to see firsthand how the parents can bond with the babies, and to hear how it has helped them both.”
“The course is a must-have for any professional working with infants or working with parents of infants . . . everyone should know this information.” – from the head of an Early Intervention Agency
More about training to be an Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM)
About Infant Massage
Infant massage has developed in many places in the world. Babies love to be touched, so it just makes sense that a structured way to touch infants, that fulfills their deepest needs for affection and touch, should develop and be passed on from generation to generation in many areas of the world. As my mother told me once, “Jody, I massaged you when you were a baby. I don’t know why. It just seemed like the right thing to do.”
The massage that I teach parents and instructors comes from India, where almost all babies are massaged, and includes Swedish massage strokes, reflexology and a bit of yoga, too. It was developed by Vimala McClure for her own babies, and shared in the book,
Infant Massage, A Handbook for Loving Parents.
Infant Massage Benefits
Infant Massage is a wonderful tool for helping families connect more closely with their baby and understand their baby’s cues and communication, while at the same time giving parents an interactive practice that improves their baby’s sleep patterns, helps alleviate postnatal depression, enhances interaction, and reduces stress for both parent and baby.
Please give me a call or email me if you need more information, have questions or want to register.
I would love to have you or your staff in my training!Sincerely,
Jody Wright
International Trainer
Infant Massage USA
International Association of Infant Massage -
Fathers and babies enjoy music, rhymes, infant massage and smiles. -
In Infant Massage Instructor Training you learn to teach parents to massage their own babies. -
Infant Massage is a wonderful way to support children with special needs.