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My Students Speak!

Today was a big exam reading day for me. Read three wonderful certification assignments. Here are some things my students shared with me:

FAITH (LMT): “As a licensed massage therapist, I am already very passionate about massage and I know all the psychological and emotional benefits that it can have on adults, so I can clearly relate to the importance of starting it in infancy….[I have never massaged infants] because I always felt that it was something that the parents should do at that age because a child is learning to bond with their parents. I felt that I should never interfere with that process as a massage therapist. It is a pleasure knowing that as an infant Massage Instructor, that I am an important part of the process of raising up well-rounded, secure, independent, self-confident, socially and emotionally equipped, reassured, smart, calm and loving children that will someday be adults with the same wonderful qualities and an asset to their communities and with the hopes that they will pass it from generation to generation.”

COURTNEY (BCTMB/LMT): “I feel so lucky to be able to share this information with families. I see that it really works. Its so amazing watching the bonding happening between the babies and their caregivers that my heart just swells with love and happiness for them …. I’m so glad that I took this training, and am now able to share these techniques with caregivers. I definitely noticed connections being made between the babies and their parents, and the calming effects the massage had on [them]. This is such a special program to be part of, and I hope that we can one day make this available to every family around the world.”

LISA (IBCLC): “In my clinical practice, I have a philosophy that my job isn’t just to ‘fix breastfeeding problems’, but rather empower my client to feel confident enough to tap into her own self-awareness and self-trust, thus breaking down cultural walls, or past family dysfunction, that keeps us from allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and fall in love with our babies. When I took the Infant Massage course I was very happy to see that this topic is at the core of our training …. My marketing campaign was a big, fat shout out on my Blissed Out Mamas Facebook page. I had a huge response, more than I needed …. As I taught my practice class with my group, I saw the members transform from being apprehensive and insecure, to fully communicating with their babies, and feeling confident in their touch, strokes, and trust within themselves.”