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April 2016

Infant Massage is So Much More than I Thought!

One of my students wrote me:

“When I initially signed up to take the course [Infant Massage Certification Training], I had the intention of using infant massage as a means to relax the baby. After completing the course and certification process, I learned that there are so many more elements to infant massage; bonding and attachment between the baby and the parent are so important in the baby’s life. I was surprised to learn I would not be doing the massage, but after instructing the families, I learned the importance of the parents performing the massage on their babies. Looking back, I thought massage was primarily a means of getting baby relaxed. Now I see that infant massage is more of a communication between the baby and the parent which is vital for their relationship. . . . I felt I was making a difference in how the parents were interacting with their babies early in the babies’ lives. . . . I was overwhelmed with the positive experiences the Moms had in the sessions.”